Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dancers Dancing, (Discarded)

Initially, I thought I would try rendering the finished cover in a block cut style, (digitally "cut," however). I completed these test renderings of three figures before discarding the idea. I concluded it would be too time consuming to treat each element in the picture in this style, and I wasn't even sure I liked it. I was afraid I would expend effort and time and, in the end, be unhappy with the final result. In retrospect, I really like this faux block print look, and I wonder now how the picture would have turned out if I had continued with this approach.

I'll publish the actual finished picture in my next post.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Dancers Danc--uh, where are the dancers?!

Here are a few more pencil sketches of elements that were part of the final cover illustration. The next post will include some finished renderings of some of the dancers that I ultimately did not use.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Dancers Dancing, Part Two

Here are more pencil sketches of dancers for the aforementioned cover illustration for the short-lived NYC-based humor magazine. In the next part of this series, I'll share some more elements that comprised the final result, and some first attempts at finished renderings over the pencil sketches. After that...the big picture!