Sunday, March 22, 2015


This is a drawing I did for a friend many years ago. It was for an invitation to a women's only movie party she was hosting at her apartment. The movie she showed on this occasion was, if you can't guess by the drawing, (assuming the likeness I achieved is sufficient), ALL ABOUT EVE, starring Bette Davis.

DATELINE: OCTOBER 01, 2022 I have removed the previous image and replaced it with this new one. The previous scan was from a printed copy of the drawing, as I was not sure at that time where the original drawing was filed. That printed copy I scanned had become discolored in the upper half of the image. I subsequently found the original drawing, as well as several pristine prints of it. However, I just used Photoshop to correct the white balances on the previous scan, so this is a corrected version of that. (Why didn't I do that in the first place? I have no clue!) I also removed the sloppy hand-lettered "Bitch" in the word balloon and used a font to make the image overall more appealling. Who says one can't change what came before?

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