Thursday, April 6, 2023

Reclining Woman

This is a 15 minute sketch of a clothed model. After drawing literally thousands of nudes, it is really tons o' fun to draw from the clothed, or "draped" figure. I can't recall if this was drawn in one of the drawing classes I attended at the Art Students League of NY, or if it was was drawn in a private sketch session. I and a group of students at the League would periodically hire models from the League to pose for us in private sessions held in a rotating series of sketch members' apartments. (I'm sure there were other students not part of our group who were doing the same thing.) Typically, in the private sessions the models would pose nude, as they did at the League. This leads me to think this was drawn at the League, but in a circumstance where the paid model was tardy and a student would volunteer (or be asked) to pose until the model arrived. This was extremely rare, but I can recall it occurring at least a couple of times. In any case, this quick sketch is among those drawings I am most pleased with out of tens of thousands of drawings (from nearly 30 years of life drawing). I would love to return to life drawing, but there is no easy access to life classes in my current location.