Monday, March 11, 2024

Two Backs

I have no memory or documentation to indicate when I drew these two models, but I can tell they were made years apart, with the drawing of the male model being an earlier drawing than the one of the female. I can tell the drawing of the male model was a short-ish drawing, probably 10-15 minutes at most, given its lack of detail. The drawing of the female model took longer, given that I took the time to lay in the shape of the shadow pattern on her figure. However, it is incomplete. It is too schematic for this to have been what would I intended as the final finish. It is fixed in that half-way state been preliminary "blueprint" (so to speak) and completion.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


I can't recall how long this pose was, but given the detail, I'm guessing it was a long pose of 50 minutes, (two 25 minute posing sessions with a 5 minute rest pause for the model). There were longer poses in which the pose would last for the entirety of either one or two drawing classes, (each class duration was 3.5 hours with 5 minute breaks every 25 minutes and one 25 minute long break for the model and the artists). In such cases where the pose lasted for two classes, the model would return to the next class session later in the week or even the next week and resume his or her pose from the previous class. Again, thinking back to my drawing skill at that time and the appearance of this drawing, I'm pretty sure this to have been a 50 minute pose.